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Born amidst an era of terror, uncertainity, and overarching influence by technology, Gen Z has become an almost “infamous” generation.


This youth culture has been defined as “lazy,” “violent,” “disrespectful,” “uneducated,” and downright “immoral.”


Gen Z has been recognized as likely the most divisive generation of those still alive. 


Yet, are these assumptions valid?


Who is to properly define a generation, other than the members itself?


With an open heart and ear to listen, GZ hopes to shed some light on this “radical” generation, and give an opportunity for outsiders to form an educated impression on this upcoming era of individuals. 

GZ is dedicated towards bridging the gap between generations both near and far apart, by providing real stories from the lives of our next leaders, creators, and thinkers.

We believe in the power of collaboration and interaction between both those featured in each issue as well as readers.

Thanks for finding us, and enjoy!

With Love,
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