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Who is...

Hope Jayne/ 
20 / 
Fortworth, TX / 
Graphic Design and Photography



#5: If you were stranded on an island, what are three essentials you would bring?
Oof this is hard *laughs* maybe a camera, so I can track what I did until someone rescues me. How about, something that will like make it so I can have fresh water, I don’t know what it’s called but whatever *laughs* and stuff to build a fire; priorities.


#1: What is something no one would guess by looking at you?
I feel like people are often surprised by how deep I can be, because I tend to be a little bit more—generally I’m more of the giggly, bubbly person most of the time. And I think people are surprised when they see I’m actually a deeper person, and I think people are surprised that I give good advice too. Yeah honestly, I prefer deep talks in friendships too. When I can’t have that with friendships, there’s something wrong. My friend Bella, it was like that with her, where she was surprised by how deep I can be and how honest I can be about stuff. I’ve definitely become more of an open book type person.

#25: Think of someone you admire, who are they and why does this person come to mind?
One of my friends, Camille, she actually goes here and is someone I admire a lot because she does a lot of activities at school, she does MLG, she does photo, she does promos for theater now, and I’m always impressed by her work ethic and how much she’s able to produce and how much she cares about everything she does. She doesn’t just do it to check a box, and I’ve always admired that about her. I don’t know how she does it all! And she still makes time for her friends, like I still feel pretty tight with her even though she’s so busy. Like what am I doing with my life??? *laughs*

#22: What have you tolerated in the past that you no longer have tolerance for?
Umm…..I feel like….hmm this is hard……I feel like I’m trying to make more connections with people who want to make deeper relationships with me. And I feel like I no longer have as much of a tolerance for people who don’t want that. And just like, I guess, becoming more of an adult I’ve realized that there are more people out there who would like to have more mature relationships with me and I don’t think I have the tolerance for immature relationships where, like, they only think about themselves and their time, and “well if I have time to hang out with them then I willll,” but no it’s like now I’m making more friendships with people who want mature relationships with me and making that effort. So, I don’t really have a tolerance for immature relationships.


#38: If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
I feel like I would like to see what it would be to be my boyfriend *laughs*. Just to see—because like I totally do not understand his world at all, like I’m graphic designer and he’s engineering, completely different—so to see what it would be like to be him, and have the knowledge that he has and see the world through his lens would be very interesting. Because I’ve always wanted to like, ya know when you’re with someone and just want to know them even MORE, I just want to know him even MORE. Just see the sides of him that I don’t know, because I don’t see him with engineering people very often. He’s more of the quiet type so it’s a lot of like “what is he thinking about???” and a lot of the times, there’s a lot of times where he’s not thinking about anything *laughs*. But yeah, that would be interesting. I would also definitely also want to see myself through his eyes! Because like, I don’t think it would be anything bad, if anything I think it would make me feel even more secure. And there’s a lot of times where it’s like, I feel like he wishes that I knew how he feels about me more, and like I KNOW but I’m just an insecure person so.

#19: How are you really?
I’m actually doing good, right now—okay I’m actually feeling, especially this week, and the past couple weeks, like I’ve been very lazy with my work—but it depends on what it is! I just have a lack of passion in certain areas right now. Like, I’m happy with what I’m doing, like I’m happy with the outcome but not the process if that makes sense. And I guess, in general right now though, I’m doing pretty good. I’m feeling really secure in my relationships now, and doing much better in that sense than last semester, last semester was really rough.

#21: What would you tell your 12-year-old self?
I would tell them to stay away from boys even though that’s really difficult, but to stay away from boys until college. That’s one of my regrets. I mean, it has definitely made me the person I am today, but I would have definitely told myself to be way more careful with boys. And, not feel like you need to feel like a guy needs to like you in order to feel worthy, because I struggled with that a lot. I mean really, when my sisters start getting into the dating and stuff I’m going to be like “be careful” *laughs* That’s one nice thing about having little sisters is being able to tell them what I went through, and hopefully they will be better. I mean one of my sisters is twelve right now, she’s going to be thirteen soon ya know, it’s like, keeping that in mind more. I take pride in being the older sister, the only time I ever get annoyed being an older sibling is when my parents don’t see all that I have done sometimes. I don’t feel like I’m recognized as much, and then when I falter in my ability to be a good older sibling, its more harshly discredited. But I do like being an older sister, it’s very nice when they come to me with stuff.

#20: What do you think is your defining characteristic?
………………...I guess, I have—some people can say this is a flaw—but in general I tend to be a little more naïve about the good in people. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, for the most part. Yeah, there’s people that might rub me the wrong way at first, but that could be with anyone. But in general, I feel like I give people the benefit of the doubt and kinda am more accepting than people think I would be, mostly just based on my background, and being Christian. I think I’m just more loving and open armed than people think, so I think that could make me stand out, just that I tend to be more naïve about the good in people.

#35: Skinny jeans yes or no?
*laughs* I, honestly, I’m definitely not like wearing skinny, skinny jeans as much as I used too—still love my high-waisted jeans—but I definitely feel like I look better without being constrained in skinny jeans. It’s not a yes or no for me, it’s more like a *shrug* indifference. More like growing away from it versus like “oh I hate them now!”


#26: What would your younger self not believe about your life today?
Oh wow…...I bet my younger self would not believe that I got to go to school for art. I bet my younger self would be like “what?! That’s crazy! There’s so much to look forward to.” Like growing up, it wasn’t until junior/senior year of high school when I was like “dang, what if I did photography or whatever, what if I did art or something like that.” Because for a long time it was like, I want to be a teacher—and there’s nothing wrong with that—but for a little bit it was like elementary school teacher or pediatrician, but I never EVER considered I would be able to do art for a living. I don’t know, it was just nothing I thought of. I loved art too, I was the kid that was always like ART SUPPLIES when it was my birthday and stuff, and got my first camera when I was eight years old. And then when I got into high school and yearbook and stuff, that’s when I really got into photography and stuff, and took more classes, and then decided this is what I want to do. And then graphic design showed to be a more “secure” field, and I’m not a hustler, I’m more of a team player so. Like I can hustle if it’s for a group, but I will not hustle for my own self; I will hustle for other people.

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