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Who is...


Cody Lind/ 
21 / 
Portland, OR / 


#38: If you could switch lives with anyone for a day who would it be?
Imma say Junior *laughs* --nah I’m just kidding! I would hmm….hmm……….I don’t know, I don’t like thinking like that sometimes…..

#39: What is your favorite way to decompress?
Play guitar. Hours a day. Easy. That’s like SO EASY! Drinking tea and guitar are really up there, but playing guitar is just…. everything dude. It’s so good. Like I love tea, and I need tea, but I get aNgStY if I don’t play guitar.

#24: Something that brought a smile to your face this week?
*humming* Hmm—I don’t know, um….oH. I think Jonah told me he like—oh mannn, wait this one. Today, I played the first two seconds of Let You Down by NF when he was in the shower, and it was hilarious, it like cut off so it was like *singing* “It’s like when—!” ……. And then *laughs* and then *laughs* so it was like *laughs* yeah anyways.


#1: What is something no one would guess by looking at you?
Umm, ahhhh, that’s a good question! Umm, I don’t know, I don’t think I’m THAT self-aware. I think I have a pretty like, I feel like I’m hard to approach. So, I feel people don’t assume I’m easy to talk to sometimes, until they know me; so that might be one.

#6: Have you ever been fired from a job?
Oof—I’ve never been fired, but I’ve been “”replaced.”” It’s when I got surgery for my knee, I emailed my boss—my manager—and was just like “hey, my knees going bad again.” I had to get out of work for half a year because I just kept dislocating my knee, so like I couldn’t work. And one of the times I dislocated it, was THERE, like on the job. So, it was a little bit of a liability thing, but I was just it is what it is. Just got some lOoSe jOiNtS. So, some background on my knee, I chipped my knee cap playing baseball and then took it easy for like two weeks but I think that messed with the integrity of my knee. So, we were doing a turkey bowl for my church, where it’s just every year, Thanksgiving, we play football….and I always freaking KILL it *laughs*. But it was very snowy, very muddy, so loose joints with wet ground, running and pivoting, knees don’t love that! That was the first time I messed it up, the second time was at Pump It Up, that was the place I worked at. It was a party inflatable place for kids, it was awesome! That was kinda funny—I was on the GROUND, cause like ya know, dislocated my kneeee, and I was just like “hey imma go grab someone,” and someone went up to the front and was like “hey there’s like a kid on the ground in there, he’s like hurt.” And my coworkers were like “…...a kid on the ground?? Isn’t Cody in there???” *laughs* Cause it’s a kid’s birthday, they thought it was a little kid! And they just thought “well what’s Cody doing?!” They get in there, and they see me and they’re just like “it was Cody!” so that was funny. Third time, was at a retreat, and then I was like eighteen and couldn’t run very much and was just like “I’m gonna get a surgery.” So yeah, history of my k n e e.


#2: What is the hardest part of your day-to-day life?
I would say like, general focus. I get caught up in my emotions and passions a lot, like for me if I play guitar or something like that, it’s always worth it, because I’m getting better at something that I like, or like listening to music, I LOVE listening to music and finding new stuff. I’d say, that’s like the hardest thing. Because you can’t really incorporate a solution, which is discipline, if you’re doing that, pretending its discipline. Like obviously practicing guitar takes discipline, but not when it’s like easy and you’re not taking it like SUPER serious.

#31: What personality trait of either your parents did you gain?
Umm, I think for my mom, it’s like, it’s really easy to know when she loves and cares, and I think that’s pretty apparent for me too sometimes. I think I got my mom’s emotions, in a good way; being emotional comes with bad things too, but it comes with wisdom as to how to use them. I’d say for my dad, I’m pretty good at being quiet too. My dad’s a pretty quiet guy. I’ve seen him in some circumstances where he’s very peaceful and that was very important. I remember times where I was in some DUMB circumstances, but cool on the outside; and I know that’s from my dad.

#36: What is your favorite book you’ve read?
sarcastically laughs* Bible not includeddddd. Um, there was this one on emotional intelligence. I forgot what it was, what it was called, but I just remember it—once again, I’m like a really emotional person—so like, it was really cool for me to put in words to why negative things can be applicable anyways. I like knew it, by growing and using them, knowing what’s good and bad when those come up. I remember it tackled one on shame, like even shame could get used, and I had never heard of that. But it was like “oh by the way, don’t let it determine anything,” and that’s not a quote, but that was really cool; that one was cool, easy read, academic one. Oh also! “God Has a Name,” by John Mark Comer, very good one. I remember I read the introduction when I was like sixteen, I bought it for my friend Chad, that I’ve just been meaning to read it. This last winter I read it, and bought the book and stuff like that, and it was good. It was just about how much people make God to look like THEM. And like the realness of spirituality, and that He can be found; it’s not that abstract, you can put a name to it, and what He looks like, and it’s bigger than what I thought. So, they put it into words pretty well.


#26: What would your younger self not believe about your life today?
Um…dang. Hmm, I don’t know if I want to leave this in, but I’ll get real honestly. Just that, like…I’m happy a little bit, and I’m letting God do things, and that God’s very good. [TW] My whole life, until I was nineteen—this is gonna sound really dark—I was destined in my head I was going to be dead by twenty-four, by ANYTHING. If it wasn’t by natural things, I would’ve done it. It was pretty dark, but for like five years I was just like…. I’m not enjoying anything ENOUGH. I’d say just like, God’s good, things are worth it. And His plan is so frustrating, but like perfect, so yeah…yeah.

#33: What promise do you want to keep to yourself this year?
………hmm……...that’s a good question…………...I just want to keep growing honestly. I’ve heard a lot of wisdom in my life, but I just really want to APPLY a lot of wisdom this year. And I don’t know how to form that into a “promise,” but that’s just definitely a goal I’ve stated in my head; just that I need to get better at that, and I’m determined to do so. Yeah, that’s a good question, yeah, just to be in a more mature spot next year.

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