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Who is...


Brett Boden / 
21 / 
Corona, CA / 
Bio-Medical Engineering


#26: What would your younger self not believe about your life today?
………A majority of it *laughs* yeah, I mean, my younger self definitely wanted to go in a different direction in life than I do now. I wanted to go into cars, for a living, wanted to be a mechanical engineer. Now I wanna do bio medical engineering, so even though they’re both engineering, they’re different in many ways. Ones primarily medical equipment, one was dream of cars. And honestly, I wanted to be a racecar driver when I was a little kid. That didn’t work out! On a positive note, I wouldn’t believe I’ve achieved the things I’ve achieved in terms of work and school. Yeah.

#13: Have you ever been in love?
Well yeah, I love my parents, I love my sister, I love God. Do I ever think I’ve loved someone romantically? Not to the extent of what I truly think love is, umm…. not the way the Bible describes love should be. I think I’ve only scratched the surface of the concept of how you should feel when you love someone.

#5: If you were stranded on an island, what are three essentials you would bring?
Well, my bible. Flint, or magnesium. To make a fire, because it burns really well. And then, a metal can so I can boil water. Well obviously, the bible would keep me to keep in God’s word, cuz if I’m alone on an island I at least need God. And then obviously the magnesium and flint, the Firestarter, would be to start a fire. SO, I could cook my food, and then I could put the metal cup over the fire so I could boil the water, and then I could drink water. So, when you say essentials, I’m literally, listing. Mental health and physical health survival.


#2: What is the hardest part of your day-to-day life?
Honestly, I have to put up with this one person almost every single day *laughs* they’re a lot of work, a lot of maintenance. Just kidding that’s probably the easiest part of my day. The hardest part of my day is honestly, making sure that not only do I prioritize my mental and physical health, but that I also balance that with being productive and successful in college. It’s hard to be successful in college and still take care of yourself.

#10: What compliment/reassurance do you wish you’ve heard more?
…...I haven’t thought about that before…….hmm. Just that I’m doing better than yesterday. Just as long as I’m improving by one percent, just moving in the right direction, I’m happy. I just wish…people recognized, so when you do the effort for someone, they see it and they’re like “sick, thank 

#38: If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be?
Ooooh…who’s married to Kate Upton???? *laughs* I’m just kidding! *laughs* Umm, honestly, maybe, Luke…from the Bible. I think if I were to relate to any of them the most, it’s him, I think. Very numerically and scientifically I don’t English well. Luke is very descriptive in numbers and stuff. And it’d be rly cool to witness Jesus in action and stuff, I mean obviously we witness him every day, but to see him in the flesh…that would be an experience. It’d be pretty cool to walk in Luke’s shoes for a day and be in the presence of the whole, thing, of the New Testament.

#19: How are you really?
Huh??? Mmmm……I am umm…kinda in a rut. ……there are things, I mean I do things, I do what I need to for school and what I need to for work, what I need to for God. But I don’t feel like I’m like LIVING, I feel like I’m just functioning. So yeah

#42: What is a trend you hope never comes back?
Tide pods. Eating tide pods. Just level of stupidity that shouldn’t exist. I mean it’s essentially attempted suicide. Yeah, we’re not going to go down that rabbit hole.

#33: What promise do you want to keep to yourself this year?
Hmm…. Umm…I wanna be better at not getting like, willing to let…like I’ll know when someone’s using me to help them, and I’ll let them anyways, and then I’ll hurt afterwards when they admit to it. So, I wanna get better at not letting myself be a doormat, but also not hardening my heart to others in need. So, I wanna just promise myself to be more aware of how, others are treating me. And be willing to prioritize my mental health over someone who doesn’t care about my mental health. So yeah.

#20: What do you think is your defining characteristic?
In whatever I do, I’m all in. Whether its caring for someone, or my work, or school, I’m either all out or all in. There’s no one foot in the water, I kinda just dive in the pool head first, when I decide I like the water temperature. So, there’s no like “oh I’ll step in there for a minute,” if I want to do something I’m gonna do it to my fullest. Or not do it at all sometimes, there’s no like “oh I’ll kinda do it.” So, when I decide I don’t feel like doings something to my fullest, I just decide not to do it; so that kinda sucks. So, when I do something to its fullest, that’s always nice so…double edged sword.

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