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Who Is...


Alana McCormick / 
19 / 
Orange County, CA / 
Nutrition and Food Sciences


What about other people intrigues you?
The first thing that comes to my mind would be everybody’s different personalities, and how everybody’s been raised in a different way and how that affects their personality and how they interact with people. Because obviously that’s not the biggest part of that but it’s really cool to hear about people’s stories. I really love getting to know new people! And I think that’s why I loved these first few years of college because, you meet so many new people so that’s been really cool. Everyone has their own story—obviously—but it’s really cool to hear all those stories. I think it’s getting to build intentional relationships with people, because when you meet someone for the first time it’s either surface level or you get really deep really fast, and that’s just interesting.

What compliment/reassurance do you wish you heard more?
This one’s definitely going to be hard for me, because I’m not a big fan of compliments. Because obviously the person giving the compliment has good intentions, but I’m just not a good receiver of them. Kinda makes me a little uncomfortable…. not for bad reasons, but it just—I don’t want to say NONE—but it’s really encouraging when a friend reaches out and just says how grateful they are for you. It’s a lot different when it’s just a random—I’m not a big words of affirmation person—but when you get a random little text from a friend, that’s just the best thing. Just being able to be there for someone when they need someone and someone recognizing it. I have some close friends, but let’s say they’re going through something, but hearing that reassurance of “thank you for being there for me at that time” when I’m trying to be there for them, but not necessarily sure if it’s the way they need me to be there for them. But when they reassure me of that…. big fan *laughs*.

What is something no one would guess by looking at you?
Hmm…probably…. this is 100% it, cuz I’ve heard a lot “I would have NEVER known that!” but I took piano lessons from the age of four all the way through high school. And it’s probably because—first off people aren’t carrying around pianos—but I probably didn’t practice as much as I should have. And I wasn’t bad, but I just didn’t give it my all, which I’m really bummed out about. But I’m just not doing it, not even the amount I was THEN, and I’m totally losing it! Losing my t o u c h *laughs*. But when I’m home, and the pianos at my house, it’s just the most relaxing thing…just playing the piano. So, I should get back to it.


What personality trait of either of your parents did you gain?
Hmm…. Okay that’s a hard one because there’s commonality between both my parents and me. Well, I feel like for my dad, my dad and I we just…. get each other. We don’t even have to say anything but if something happens in a setting we can just look at each other and KNOW, and start laughing or something or whatever on the inside, but probably……I wish I could say sense of humor because he’s funny but…. I don’t know if this is considered a personality trait, but my mom is on top of things, like—I’m not type A personality, but she is—but I’ve definitely inherited her way of liking to get things done in a certain way. And it’s not the healthiest all the time, but definitely that. And what I’m trying to get across is like, when it’s not productive, it frustratesssss me like no other! Oh! I don’t know if I can do two, but 100%, my dad and I are very aware of our surroundings. And my mom, nothing against her, but that’s just not the way she thinks. But my dad and I are hyper aware of EVERYTHING.

Have you ever had your heart broken?
……I can thankfully say……no. Yeah, no. Sorry that was really short! *laughs*

What is your favorite way to decompress?
It’s….I’m an introvert, so it would definitely be by myselfff *laughs* probably, not even a fan of reading unless it’s a really really good book, but probably reading a book. And even since I don’t really read books, it would probably be reading my Bible and just spending time either journaling, or praying. It’s literally my favorite thing. And I could be…I don’t like driving much by myself, it’s not a decompressing thing it’s kinda the opposite—but either doing that outside or home alone at night. 


What does your style say about you?
I would say—I’m a big fan of Free People—and like trying to think what else……Free People…. yeah *laughs*. I would probably say I really like easy things; I just don’t want to think about outfits a lot even though I love it. I really enjoy how…. I can’t be one of those like artsy people who are like “I eXpReSs mYsELf tHrOuGh cLoThiNg” I wish I could say that but I’m just not *laughs*. I just like how cute clothes can be but when they’re comfortable, also pro tip, go to the sale room, don’t buy full price. I also love like…. sadly, more expensive clothing but 99% of the time I won’t pay full price. It’s one of my favorite things.

What’s a trend you hope never comes back?
Ooooh…. maybe like *laughs* 80’s workout…. *laughs* yeah, could you IMAGINE going to the gym and just *laughs* all the guys with their neon and headbands. Ughhh….no, just no 80’s workouts.

What’s your favorite part about yourself that isn’t physical?
Mine would definitely be…. ya know me, I’m a pretty big talker but at the same time, say I’m having a conversation with a friend, it’s not like my biggest—and nothing bad about people that love to talk—but I don’t mind not talking. I just love to listen, and I definitely think…. I don’t know…. I feel like I’ve learned a lot more about myself from other people when I’m not talking. I’m like, processing and talking, and it feels like multi-tasking, so just being able to listen to people is really great.


Who in your life deserves the biggest thank you?
Awe it’s a good one to end on…. I’m a very emotional person, you can’t see the tears forming in my eyes right now *laughs*…wait shoot I’m going to have to…. I love you SO MUCH Mom, but….it would definitely be my dad. I’m super close to my dad…. yeah, I’m going to cry in WANDAS! How embarrassing! It would definitely be my dad….um…just, it would be a thank you for obviously always being there for me because he’s, my dad. I say “obviously” thankfully, because it’s not always “obvious” for people. Some people don’t have a relationship with their dad, or don’t have a father figure. So, I'm thankful for that in general, but just for the example that he is in his relationship with God. It would probably be too…. this is really getting deep but, the little things in the way he’s parented would definitely be thing’s I would want in a future husband—like not in a weird way—and all those years praying for me before I went to bed, or just knowing he’s praying for me, or even me off at college just sending a text to my parents like “walking into my exam” and they’re just like “praying!” and I don’t know…. just that constant supporter. I feel bad, because I get that from my mom too, but it’s just really something from my dad.

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