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Who is...


Adrian King / 
18 / 
Dana Point, CA / 
English, Philosophy, Christian Studies


#11: What is the priciest thing you’ve splurged on?
There are two of them. The first one, I had a lot of birthday and Christmas money one time, and I decided to buy a saxophone. Do I play saxophone? No. Have I learned to play saxophone since then? No. *laughs* Yeah, so I have a saxophone. I also have a 
typewriter from the 1900s, the 1800s that I don’t use. But yeah, I have a bad habit of spending a large amount of money on things that are not necessary. One day I will learn how to play saxophone *laughs* one day.

#11: What is the priciest thing you’ve splurged on?
There are two of them. The first one, I had a lot of birthday and Christmas money one time, and I decided to buy a saxophone. Do I play saxophone? No. Have I learned to play saxophone since then? No. *laughs* Yeah, so I have a saxophone. I also have a 
typewriter from the 1900s, the 1800s that I don’t use. But yeah, I have a bad habit of spending a large amount of money on things that are not necessary. One day I will learn how to play saxophone *laughs* one day.

#41: What makes you smile the most?
That’s hard. Not going to be cringe and say my fiancée, but *laughs* kindaaa. Actually, either him, Ella, or my dog. My fiancée is Dylan, he’s a BAT major. My dog’s name is King, cuz my parents wanted to name him the same thing as our last name, so his name’s King King. I said n o, but my mom’s other choice was Joe King. And I also told her n o to that *laughs* one of the two. And Ella is my little sister. But Dylan, he…. *laughs* this is so cheesy, I don’t know…. he’s sweet, he’s encouraging, he’s comforting, and I’m a stressed-out person. Um, he’s hilarious, yeah…yeah, he’s just great. And I’m a huge fan *laughs*. Ella, she’s ridiculous but so serious at the same time, which makes it great. Recently, I’ve been smiling a lot because she just got an iPad and can now text, which is terrifying but also adorable. So, I get texts from her where she’ll like her own messages, or send me a ton of emojis at one time, or send like voice recordings that are very very long, so that’s been making me laugh most days. And then, my dog is giant, and fuzzy, and a fat black lab, so what else would you want? He’s great!

#24: Something that brought a smile to your face this week?
I’m going to say the same thing, Dylan got me a keyboard for Valentine’s Day. And that was really sweet, it was like a combined Valentine’s Day and anniversary present. And playing piano is my coping mechanism, and the problem with having a tiny apartment is I don’t have a piano, so he got me a super nice keyboard so I can actually play now. And I’m super happy! I got him clogs and he got me a piano.


#7: Are you an early bird or night owl and why?
You see, I aspire to be an early bird and I am not. I am definitely—in an ideal world, I am an early bird—if I have the motivation. I prefer to wake up early than stay up late, but I would probably say I am more of a night owl.

#17: What is the last thing you lied to somebody about?
I don’t knowww…………...I’m SURE I’ve lied about something recently. It would probably be that I did like the reading for a class, but I actually got all my reading done this morning so no. O o f, I actually do know the last one, but that’s going to make me look really bad so I’m not going to say it *laughs*. No…because that wasn’t technically a lie. I know the most “frequent” lie I tell, I don’t know the last one. The most frequent is….”no I’m fine, I’m great, everything’s fine!” So yeah, that was probably the last time I lied to somebody’s face, but everything else was more implied stuff where I didn’t technically lie.


#1: What is something no one would guess by looking at you?
I’m pretty much an open book. Oh, that I used to be really into sports, even though now I’m the most unathletic person ever. But like in fifth grade I told everyone I was going to be the first girl in the NFL so *laughs* I spent my life in sports. But you could not tell! It was great, I am….5’1 so. The NFL because, I was realllyyyy into football. My entire family is really into football. I played flag football, and then begged on my hands and knees to my dad to let me play tackle for years and then my dad said “no.” I didn’t understand why, I just thought he was being sexist. But then I realized I was half the height of everyone else I knew, and I was like 12 ½ in baby shoes at the time so I was like, not…. I was not ready for tackle! I would’ve DIED! So now I’m thankful *laughs*. No one would guess that I still watch an insane amount of football.

#39: What is your favorite way to decompress?
I probably have a couple of them. As terrible as the smog is in Riverside, it makes for pretty sunsets. So, if I’m ever stressed, I just go outside and look at the sunset and go to the UP House and pick fruit and flowers. Another cliché answer would be, to read my Bible. Tea, lots and lots of tea, yeah those are probably the main ones. Or thrifting—actually or planning things. The way I decompress is to plan things, like I’ve been planning my wedding as a way to release stress. To me it’s fun! If I’m planning things in the future, then I don’t have to worry about the present which is why *laughs*. And it’s an exciting thing to do: look at pretty dresses and flowers.

#10: What compliment/reassurance do you wish you heard more?
I don’t know……...Dylan always gives me a lot of reassurance which is good, cuz I have all the reassurance I could need. “You’re a good friend,” probably. That would be one I wish I heard more. Because the person I get most reassurance from is the person I’m dating, so it’s like—that’s probably the one right now.


#9: If your life was a song, what would the title be?
That’s so hardddd. It’s gonna take me a second…. probably “I’m Fine, Everything’s Fine” *laughs* Anything else I can think of would probably be very cringey. I’m such an indecisive person I don’t think I would ever be able to title a song about my life, I wouldn’t be able to choose. The title could probably be “I Couldn’t Think of One.”

#21: What would you tell your 12-year-old self?
Um, calm down! *laughs* Everything’s going to be fine! When I was 12, I was in seventh grade, and was planning on how I was going to skip eighth grade. I was telling everyone I was going to be a Supreme Court Justice, was going to go to Harvard, yeah. The most intense kid on the planet. So I would say “calm down, you’re going to be fine. You don’t need to spend every moment of your life planning for when you’re forty years old, because you’re going to be okay. And you’re going to have friends.” I didn’t have friends in seventh grade, I had like…one, but it was more of a family friend, because I was THAT intense. So “calm down, open yourself up to people, and people will actually want to get to know you.”

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